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Personal History

I am currently 15 years old and have been racing for 9 and a half years. My first full year of racing I finished 1st in WFO series, District 17, Fox Valley, and 3rd place in Ironman series. In 2017 we raced 7 different series and finished either 1st or 2nd in each series. I enjoy being outdoors and hanging out with friends and.  I would like to take the time and dedicate racing to my grandmother that was taken from us to early. In 2018 I won every single race In the WFO series. Every year after that just tried to keep going and get better and this year, I really stepped it up and have podiumed at a lot of the IXCR's and Crossroads!

Riding Goals

I want to continue to be competitive and get better as I grow as a rider and would like to have a factory ride at some point. I want to run GNCC, IXCR nationals and win a title. 

Competitive Highlights

2016: 1st place WFO, District 17 and Fox Valley

2017: 1st place OMA Nationals, MXC and Ironman series. 2nd place WFO, District 17, Fox Valley and Crossroads series.

2024: 1st place in the Crossroads series

2024: 1st place overall at a IXCR Series

2024: Top 3 In IXCR class points and hopefully overall!