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Personal History

Im 14 years old and although I may not be racing anymore I do love going out to the track every weekend and riding with my friends.

Riding Goals

Its been a rough year with 2 ankle surgeries and a whole lot of physical therapy. I have ridden every chance I've gotten and loving my new 250f. It does not  look like there is going to be to much racing in the future but that is going to stop me from being at the track and tearing it up every weekend.  Although if the chance presents itself, I will be the first one on the starting line. Over the years I have had some of the best sponsors who have supported me and the gratitude of both me and my family is great. I look forward with great hope that I can continue to use the same sponsors. 

Competitive Highlights

At this point I can not be competitive although that doesn't mean I won't be in the future just as soon as I get the go ahead.  We are hoping that at that in the spring I can go back to racing.  Until then I will just be training and riding every weekend.