Personal History
I started riding 2 yrs ago on a PW80. I got good real fast so now I ride a Honda 150r. It has more power than my dads 250 dual sport. I love riding motocross tracks. Sand tracks are my favorite. I've had my first motocross lesson in November 2020. I am having another lesson this Sunday to help me with cornering and scrubbing. It really helps me alot. I am continually improving. I ride at least 1 time a week for 5-6 hours. I usually ride with a few friends and they always try to keep up with me. They are learning from me and getting faster also. Riding is what I live for.
Riding Goals
My goal in riding is to become a pro and make a living at motocross.
Competitive Highlights
My first racing season i took 12th out of 42, my second racing season i took 5th out of 20. I had to miss one race due to injury at practice. If I want injured and raced and took 5th place I would have had enough points to have taken 3rd over all.