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Jan 25 2020

I ended up getting picked for a KTM Jr. Supercross in Arizona and ended up 5th overall! It was so much fun and I wish I could do it again!

Jul 24 2019

I just got a new 2020 Husky 65cc. I plan on finishing out the AMSA Series as I’m currently 1st in both of my classes (50 Open and 7-8). I am going to do the 361 event in Calgary on August Long on my 65, as well as Wildrose Fall Series! I can’t wait! 

Nov 20 2018

I am off to Chilliwack, BC to ride in the Future West Arenacross Series. Wish me luck! There are some fast guys out that way!

Sep 29 2018

Cade went to the year end AMSA Banquet and received his first every Championship in the 50cc 4-6 Class. He also ended up 4th in the 50cc Open, which is a great accomplishment since he was battling with some much older kids. He could not be more excited! See his profile for all the great pictures!

Sep 22 2018

Cade just wrapped up the Wildrose Fall Series in Calgary. He decided that he was going to ride in the 50cc 7-8 Class this series, instead of the 4-6 Class. He did so great riding with the much older kids and ended up 2nd Overall for the whole series! Bring on the 2019 Race season!

Sep 13 2018

I am so pumped! I had the amazing opportunity to do a riding school with Dean Wilson. I learned so much and can’t wait to apply it on the track! 

Jul 18 2018

Cade is still 1st in the 4-6 50cc in the AMSA Series and 5th in the 50cc Open class. We have had a much needed break from all the travelling and have been enjoying some downtime camping with friends and free riding. We head back to racing in Calgary on the 29th of July for the AMSA Series!

Jun 10 2018

Thats a wrap on the WIldrose Spring Series! Now back to the AMSA Series in Brooks, Alberta next weekend. Wish me luck!

May 23 2018

I have started the AMSA Series, as well as the WRMA Spring Series and I am loving it. I could not be more excited to be back on my bike. This weekend I am racing the Nationals - Rockstar Triple Crown Amateur on May 27th. Wish me luck!

Mar 25 2018

We just finished up the Rockstar Triple Crown AX Tour in Calgary, Alberta. I ended up 2nd overall the first night on March 16th, 2018. I couldn't be more excited after being off the bike for 4 months. The next night, I had a pretty bad crash, but my neck brace did its job and stopped me from getting seriously hurt, but I got up and went over the finish line. Thanks to all my sponsors!

Dec 10 2017

Cade had a great weekend in Montana! He placed 1st in all of his 50cc 0-6 class. He had a pretty gnarly crash in the 50cc Open but managed to pull it together and finish off the weekend. Thanks for everyone’s support! 

Nov 16 2017

Cade is headed to Kalispell again in December to ride arenacross. He had a blast last time he was there. Let’s hope to bring the momentum from the summer into this winter riding!

Oct 14 2017

I went to the year end banquet for the AMSA series and got my trophy and a new Matrix gas can! Pretty stoked! 

Sep 25 2017

Thats a wrap! I ended the Wild Rose Motocross Fall Series this weekend. I ended up 2nd overall the first day and 3rd overall the second day. I also ended up 3rd overall in the series! I am very excited and have worked so hard to get better and better! Also to all my sponsors, you rock! I enjoyed trying the 50cc Open class during this series, where kids of all ages raced. I ended up 6th overall in the series for this class. Time for a little break and Arena Cross starts! Time to ride my sled because winter is coming! Thank you again everyone!

Sep 16 2017

I finished 3rd overall this past weekend in the 50cc 46 class. I also finally entered the 50cc Open in the Fall Series and I have surprised myself! While the first race, I finished 11th overall. This past weekend I finished 5th overall! I was also so close to getting a hole shot too. I am sad to say that this is the last weekend of racing until arena cross in February! Wish me luck!

Sep 10 2017

Well thats a wrap for the AMSA Series 2017. I am proud to say that I finished 3rd overall in points for the series! I finally got my podium. I worked hard this past year, I went to a bigger bike mid season and I feel my hard work shows. My parents are very proud of me, on and off the track. I also started Grade 1! Look at me growing up!

Aug 27 2017

I had a rough weekend. I had serious bike problems, where my bike kept bogging and then quitting during both my motos. I had Dad running all over the track trying to start my bike for me. I almost got my first hole shot, but my bike bogged out and had quit after half the lap. Fortunately, my bike didn't quit while hitting a jump but it was a bummer since I was riding the best I have since all of our time off. But thats motocross for you! Dad pulled my bike apart trying to figure out what was wrong. Turns out I had the smallest speck of dirt in my main jet which was covering half of it. Lets hope I have better luck next weekend in Rocky!

Jul 4 2017

I had a heck of a double header during Canada Day weekend! I crashed in a corner in my first moto and was 13th place. I battled my way to 5th! I then had another crash the following day when someone came up behind me off the start gate and we both went down pretty hard. Luckily, we were both okay! I was 14th and battled my way to 6th! My parents were so proud of me. Its not about getting first, its about not giving up! I recently got a new 2018 Husquvarna 50cc Senior and I am killing it, even though I am still a bit small, but I plan on racing it in Alix on August 5th and 6th!

May 10 2017

Cade finished 3rd overall is in his first AMSA race in Raymond, Alberta. On to Round 2 & 3 on May 20th! But first, time to finish up the Spring Series in Calgary this weekend!

May 3 2017

Cade is about to start his first full series (AMSA Series) starting this weekend in Raymond, Alberta, He's been out pounding laps and practising. He is super pumped!

Oct 6 2016

Cade recently upgraded to a KTM 50 Mini in October 2016 and entered his first Arenacross race this weekend in Calgary, Alberta!