Cody LaChance
Age | 32 |
Location | Blackwell, MO, US |
Rider # | 286 |
Site Rank | 45287 |
Website | |
My Link | |
Classes | Arena Cross, Motocross |
About Me
I live in a small town just south of St. Louis Missouri where I am a B student at Kingston High School. When I`m not riding my motorcycle or playing ball I also like to spend time riding my bike, skateboarding, rollerblading or playing in the yard. When the weather is...
Rider Updates
Cody's Stats Total Races = 238 Hole Shots = 113Moto Wins = 102Motocross Wins = 62TT/Flat Track Wins = 1Cross-Country Wins = 2Track Championships = 10District 18 Championships = 1LaChance Racing Career Highlights Cody LaChance