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Cody Stanton

Cody Stanton

Age 38
Location Orofino, ID, US
Rider # 431
Site Rank 26790
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Classes Arena Cross, Motocross

Rider Updates

These pictures were taken by my girlfriend at a track that is 300 miles one way from my home. We went down there this weekend so I could ride. The weather report said it was going to be warmer but if you can see in the pics there is actually ice covering my number plate and sweatshirt. My eyes are really red also cause I couldnt ride with goggles because the moisture in the air would hit them and then freeze. If you hit hard enough when you landed the ice off the front finder would shatter and fly into your face so it was a pretty cold day. My girlfriend only took a few pics when it was nice for a few minutes so it doesnt look to bad but I was sure feeling it. Even though it was cold it was still way better than being at home riding my road bike on the stationary stand. I got two 30 minute motos in and some more but when it got later in the day I couldnt take the cold anymore. Hope you enjoy the pics.

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