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Personal History

Ever since I was a kid I’ve always loved dirtbikes. My father got me into riding them and started me on a ttr 90 when I was a kid at 6yrs old. I loved the bike and learned a lot as a kid on how to ride. After a few years I upgraded to a yz85 and man did I love that bike! I started riding tracks and I learned alot off that bike. Growing up my family never had a good amount of money and it came to the point where we had to sell my bike and I was without riding for about 7yrs. Eventually though I was able to get a new bike and I bought a yz250. That bike is so much fun for me. I’ve learned a ton and I’m still looking to get much better. I love the feeling of just floating through the air over a jump. Anyways, thanks for reading and I’d love to parter up with some sponsors! Thanks! 

Riding Goals

My riding goal is to always have a good time. Everytime I ride I always push the limits and try new things. Getting out of the comfort zone is what makes experiences so much more valuable. As a kid I’ve always wanted to be one of the best and I still do, but with that comes a lot of work. Step by step and day by day I feel it’s very possible to achieve that goal. 

Competitive Highlights

My first ever race I came 3rd out of 29 people racing night cross. I was so stoked and that was a real confidence booster for me to keep getting better. My second ever race was at Area 51 MX and I came in 6th out of 32 people. During that race I got the holeshot and kept my ground for as long as I could, but eventually got tired and lost a few positions. I’d love to make a ton more highlights with the right sponsorships to help. Thank you!