Personal History
My name is Cross Bookwalter, I am 15 years old and have been riding for four years. I started racing two years in the Mississippi AX Tour circuit. I also have been racing outdoor motocross in outdoor. I have been racing my 2013 crf150RB and have been practicing on my 2009 150 i have started racing my 250 in 250 B and plan on being fulltime 250 rider next outdoor season.
Riding Goals
My goals this year is to make it to a national level and be able to compete with the help from trainers coaches family and friends. personal goals are to get faster through corners and train in corners. also to improve all my riding skills overall on the track to throw down better smoother faster lap times. with the help from every body in my life I wantto achieve my main goal to make it to lorretta lynns dude ranch.