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Daniel Mitchell

Daniel Mitchell

Age 31
Location Loomis, CA, US
Rider # 21
Site Rank 349
My Link
Classes Motocross

About Me

I started riding when I was 11yrs. old. My first bike was a crf100 which I raced twice before I got a cr85. My first year racing I started in the 85 beginner class. I finished second overall for the track series. The next year I raced in the 85 novice...

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Rider Updates

Friday noght was our final race of the season and a time of celebration. Daniel recieved his series trophies for Schoolboy (first) and 250 Novice (second). The 250 novice series was very close and came down to the last moto. In the end he finished second overall and one point behind for the series. This year was exciting and filled with fun. We made new friends and enjoyed the tough competition through out the spring, summer and fall months. We would like to thank all our sponsors and this site for making our 2009 season a huge success.

Current Sponsors

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
Jul 11 2014 2014 Sac Raceway Pro/Am Motocross 1st
May 27 2014 2014 Sac Raceway Pro/Am Motocross 1st
May 9 2014 2014 Sac Raceway Pro/Am Motocross 2nd
May 2 2014 2014 Sac Raceway Pro/Am Motocross 1st
Apr 11 2014 2014 Sac Raceway Pro/Am Motocross 1st


Date Event

