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David Baggett

David Baggett

Age 59
Location Evansville, IN, US
Rider # none
Site Rank 10031
My Link
Classes Hare Scrambles

About Me

I am a business professional, married to a wonderful wife and father of twin sons.  My son Kyle and I race harescrambles.  My other son focuses on MX.  We mostly race for fun and the challenge of competition.  I personally find the time together at the races and the time...

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Rider Updates

Finally got some racing in on my new Yamaha YZ250 at the MSXC Copperhead race.  Finished the race even though some stomach issues hampered me...also took some time to get used to the new bike after racing a 1994 bike for the last 8 years...thanks to Acerbis for the barkbusters, I needed them...also Amsoil...keeps the bike running great, EVS...hit my head on a tree...helmet did its job, Dunlop the dirt and keep going, Gaerne...saved my feet, Factory Backing...looks good, TwinAir...keeps the bike running great, broken levers, and Smith goggles...keeps me able to see (OTG with fan).  Hope to run the Limestone 100 GNCC this weekend, if my real job allows it.

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
May 15 2016 Limestone 100 GNCC Hare Scrambles 14th
Feb 21 2016 Crossroads Racing Series Hare Scrambles 8th
Nov 1 2015 Ironman GNCC Hare Scrambles 19th
Oct 10 2015 MAXC Lincoln Trail Hare Scrambles 3rd
Sep 13 2015 Southern Indiana Grand Prix Series Hare Scrambles 13th


Date Event

