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Ellie Spielmaker

Ellie Spielmaker

Age 24
Location Kent City, MI, US
Rider # 22
Site Rank 49120
My Link
Classes Girls 9-13, Women's Jr., Women's Sr.

About Me

My name is Ellie Spielmaker and I live in Kent City Michigan. I have been riding dirt bikes since I was about seven years old. I also have two brothers, one that is ten years old that races and a five year old brother that is hopefully going to start...

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Rider Updates

Only 4 more weeks until I can start riding again!! In April at the mid-east LLQ in Indiana I crashed in practice and broke my arm. I haven't been able to ride for 8 weeks so far and I (hopefully) only have 4 more weeks to go. I'm so excited to be able to ride again! I am disappointed that I wasn't able to be able to qualify for Loretta Lynn's, but I always have next year!!

Race Results

Date Event Class Place


Date Event

