Enric Vendrell
Age | 25 |
Location | Barcelona, Catalunya, Barcelona, ES |
Rider # | 12 |
Site Rank | 29316 |
My Link | |
Classes | MX85 | MX125 Sub 18 |
About Me
I'm 15 years old right now. Just stepped up to big bikes (yz 125 2015) after riding a KTM 85 2013 for almost two years. I started racing local races in 2012, on a kx 85 2005. I started to get better so my father bought me the KTM. Since...
Race Results
Date | Event | Class | Place |
Sep 6 2014 | 24Hores Resistència Ciclomotors de la Vall del Tenes | MX85 | MX125 Sub 18 | 20th |
Dec 17 2013 | Lliga Catalana de motocròs | MX85 | MX125 Sub 18 | 1st |