Personal History
I have been riding dirt bikes since I was around 5 years old. I didn't step into the Racing Scene until 2013. However, I have ridden consistently since 1991. I enjoy riding dirt bikes, cycling, mountain biking as well as water sports. My passion doesn't end with riding, I enjoy promoting the sport with the youth in the area as well as lending a hand to the local clubs in the Ohio area.
Riding Goals
My long term goal is to take Overall A wins in the Appalachian Championship Enduro Series as well as be a top A class contender at our local Hare Scrables (Ohio cross country racing and Indiana cross country racing).
Competitive Highlights
2017 Highlights include a 1st Place 30+ B win at he National Enduro Series opening Race on Feb. 5th. The race was held in South Carolina at the Manchester State Forest. I took 3rd Overall B at that same Race. I look forward to competing in the National Enduro Series as well as local Enduro's and Hare scrambles in 2018.