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Personal History

Hello, my name is Jackson Minch and i am 21 years old. I live in North East Indiana. I am currently working full time in engineering, going to school and now have been racing! I have also been playing hockey for 11 years. I grew up watching my stepdad, who raced 250A back in his day and also has a 4th a lorettas. I grew up riding around the house but in August of 2019 i bought my first 250. We rode a few tracks for run and finally this year started racing competitively. 

Riding Goals

My biggest goal for 2021 is to continue to grow and get better. i also am hoping to bring home some wins in 250C.

Competitive Highlights

2020 Open D points series champion 

2 holeshots 

one 1st place overall

Three 2nd place overalls 

four 4th place overalls