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Personal History

My name is Jacob and I was born in Texas, but moved to Indiana before my 2nd birthday.  My mom, dad, and older brother Will are my biggest supporters!  They go to all of my races and are proud of my accomplishments, no matter how big or small. 

I began riding an ATV when I was 4 years old.  By the time I was 5 years old, I decided that I wanted to ride a dirt bike.  That following Christmas, my parents surprised me with a Honda XR50.  A month later, I competed in my first race - 2014 AMSoil Arenacross - Louisville KY.  I placed 9th, but I learned what to expect during a race and how I needed to improve.  I spent the next couple of months riding in my backyard trying to learn the basic skills of MX.  I then participated in two races in the Kentuckiana MX Series.  Unfortunately, I was not able to finish the season because my family and I moved to Colorado Springs.  My father is in the US Army and he had gotten orders for us to move.  Because we had moved across the country and came late into the season, I was not able to join the local series in Colorado. The day before practice for the opening of the SRAC series my parents again surprised me with a 2015 KTM 50sx, I love them so much.

My father used this downtime to teach me the basics of properly maintaining my three dirt bikes.  These skills will teach me the importance of caring for my bikes.  I am not afraid to turn a wrench.

Some hobbies that I have (other than MX related things) include:  skateboarding, BMX, LEGOS, video games, and spending time outside. 

Riding Goals

For 2015, I will continue racing my Honda, Cobra, and now KTM  in the 50 cc classes.  I strive to perform better and improve my riding skills.  I have been working hard during the winter months to become prepared for this racing season.  My parents and I have been going to the track/riding areas almost every weekend (depending on weather).

I will be racing both a MX & SX series here in Colorado.  The series is the Sports Riders Association of Colorado (SRAC).  My first race in this series begins on March 22nd, 2015. 

My goals for this season:  To be in the top 3 during my races, at least in the 4-6 class.  I need to become more comfortable taking turns and staying in/navigating around ruts. 


Competitive Highlights

I have raced in two AMSoil Arenacross events (2014 & 2015). 

Louisville, KY 2014:  This was my first race/event.  I only had my dirtbike for a month and was not able to get much practice/riding time.  I placed 9th, but it was an experience that I would never forget!  I did not crash, fall off my bike, or get stuck. 

Colorado Springs, CO 2015:  I was not able to ride my Cobra due to some mechanical issues, so I had to compete on my Honda XR50.  I managed to get 6th out of 11th in the 4-6 class.  The progress that I had made from the previous event was noticed!

Recreational/Practice Riding;  During the winter months of 2015, I was able to get more experience with riding.  I have gotten faster, stronger, and have the desire to be the best rider that I can be!