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Jacob Jackson

Jacob Jackson

Age 35
Location Cadott, WI, US
Rider # 377
Site Rank 34281
My Link
Classes Motocross, Supercross

About Me

I started riding when I turned 12.  After riding a few years I received my first "real" bike.  It was a 1999 CR125.  I rode that thing everyday that summer, and one year later I went into my first race.  I ended-up tearing a ligament in my foot that race...

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Rider Updates

I plan on qualifying for Loretta Lynn's for 2008 in the North Central Region. I'm moving up to the MX Lites B class for 2008 also. I have already started training by riding bicycle and lifting. I'm very dedicated to this sport and I feel like each time out on the bike I improve. Over the summer I was able to cut 5-7 seconds a lap just in one day at a track and since then I seemed to have found out how to improve every time out.

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
Aug 9 2007 SX 5th
Jun 3 2007 MX --


Date Event

