Personal History
My name is Jasmine, im 21 years old. Work full time at an esso station.
I have been riding/racing now for just over 5years, i currently ride a crf150 after
down sizing from a kx250f as i just couldnt get on with it as was holding me back.
Riding Goals
Too continue to get better, faster, perfect & always to enjoy. Ill never be the best
but it will never stop me from trying. My main goal for this year is to hit every jump
with little fear as thats where i lack the most, also to get better & improve even that small bit in every race
i do this year.
Competitive Highlights
I dont have many, not highlights to most people, but getting top 10 on my 250f was a big highlight, ive only raced the 150 once so far. Also getting the whole shot on my kx85. Clearing some big doubles & table tops. Also focusing on my passing whilst practicing & having alot of boys/men shocked about being passed by not only a girl, but a girl on a 150, when there on 450's!