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Personal History

My name is Jessub Pearson I’m 27 and ride in 25+B or 250B and 17-29 if they don’t have 25+. I started racing when I was 6 and raced D23 for the next 10 years. I was around the top 5 in points at the end of every year. My dad ran out of money in 2006 so I had to quiet. I took 10 years off and in that time I got really heavy in alcohol, I quit drinking a little over a year ago and bought a big bike (2015 yz250f) and now I’m back at it doing what I love! Obviously I’m not trying to come back and turn pro or anything just doing it for fun now.

Riding Goals

I plan on doing the rest of the Cedar Lake races also plan on hitting d23 a little harder this year along with doing all the fair races again. (supercross style tracks are more my thing).