Rider Updates
Dec 31 2018
We are in full swing here in the north east as race season approaches only a few weeks away ??
Sep 19 2016
Finally some rain up here , should be nice for some
prime riding season
Dec 29 2015
With the warm weather riding season is still in full effect , just ordered heated grips lights and studded tires to keep ripping all winter
Nov 4 2015
With the riding season coming to a end . I achieved a lot of my goals won the 2015 Pilgrim Sands Trails Riders Short Coursr Series Championship , Finished top ten overall in C open in the J Day Off-road series. And took home a few hare scramble wins. Big thanks to all my sponsors and looking forward to preparing for next year and continuing success
Mar 16 2015
A wet muddy rutty race today, went 3-2 for days motos to a 3rd overall. Was in first until a stall in the last few corners gave me the second . 2015 is off to a good start!
Feb 26 2015
Well it seems that all my weight training has paid off.Finally a podium and a first place finish .Hoping to Step up my training in prep for the 2015 JDayOffroad season.
Jan 14 2015
As winter sets in here in New England , most go into hibernation here in the east. But with with success come hard work , so we're in the gym getting ready for the 2015 season with vengeance . Cardio and weight traing six times a week , with motocross specific training with on and off bike work out. Squeezing in riding on days that allow it . Big shout out to MSR racing for the hookup on gear and hard parts on the way . Still searching for other oppurtunities , pictures and videos soon to come stay tuned !!