Personal History
ive always been around motorsports and 5 years back became interested in motocross, so my dad bought me a supermini and I started riding practice tracks, then got a big bike and started racing in the begginer class the following year which was in 2011, moved my self up to c class in 2012 and have only done about 6 races since then due to money issues and injury, raced one race this year and was racing at a track quite a bit south back in May and crashed out hard and had to have reconstructive surgery on my collar bone and shoulder, coming back off this right now August of 2016 should be back riding in 3 months and am training and getting in shape before I start back riding, plan on taking a few weeks down in Florida and riding everyday to be ready for arenacross, and really want to find the support I need to help get me to Loretta Lynn's 2017 I'm trying for both open and 250 novice class since I'm not at enough points for b class I will move up as soon as Lorettas is over and I know I'll be down there racing it one way or another just would be nice to have support and be repping some new brands! Feel free to contact me anytime I'm working my ass off to make 2017 my year
Riding Goals
my goals are to train like crazy the remainder of this injury recovery and come back bigger faster and stronger than ever, take a few weeks down in Florida to ride and train hard to get my self back to 110% and hit a few rounds of arenacross most likely, want to make this 2017 season count and going all in to make it to Lorettas which is my biggest goal and will do whatever it takes to get my self there this injury has me ready to go win races since this year has been plagued due to a sepreated collar bone torn rotator cuff and having surgery to repair that, currently getting my self back on a good training plan and diet just need to heal so I can get back on the dirt! Any support will be gladly appreciated it's all coming out of mine and my fathers pockets 2017 will be my year!
Competitive Highlights
raced mostly back in 2012/14 have had a few arenacross and local out door moto tracks and finish top 5 every time won a few county fairs locally, pulled the hole shot a handful of times in 2015/16 but haven't got the chance to race enough to advance to b class, the videos speak for themselves and results will be more posted as soon as I heal up