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Personal History

Well to start out, my names Matthew Mann, I’m 21 years old. I have rode dirt bikes since I was 10. I have always rode Honda... I started on a XR80... I have raced honda sence. Due to lack of money and needing to get on with my life i started working for a local family as the mechanic to help make their kids dreams come true. Due to my pretty well known name around here, i have been looked up too quite a bit, and a lot of the younger kids still love watching me race and talking to me race. A local shop started helping me out so ill be moving off of honda to kawasaki. Ill be racing a 2013 kx250f and kx450f. i represent my sponsors very well and kids get into a lot of stuff i use.

Riding Goals

For the 2013-2014 racing season i am working as a mechanic for some kids around where i live to help them make their dreams come true, I will still be racing a lot of local suff and working on going local pro.

Competitive Highlights

Pushing my self tell the very end, I have won a few races just by never giving up..