Ryan Conrad
Age | 31 |
Location | laconia, NH, US |
Rider # | 13 |
Site Rank | 44345 |
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Classes | Arena Cross, FreeStyle, Motocross |
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No motocross races will be held in Alton anytime soon thanks to a decision by the Zoning Board. After two lengthy public hearings filled with passionate input from residents on both sides of the issue, the board finally laid out its decision to deny approval of a special exception to allow an outdoor recreation facility that would house a motocross track.Jody Persson, the Wolfeboro resident who brought the idea of a track to the table, was left speechless by the board's decision.While Persson did admit the process "was pretty fair," he withheld any other comment."I don't want to say anything because I probably will put my foot in my mouth," said Persson, frustrated and obviously disappointed by the decision.The board's decision was unanimous but it did not necessarily disagree with a motocross track in principal."This actually is a great activity for families and I think we need to encourage more of this," said Zoning Board member Marcella Perry.Fellow member David Schaeffner agreed with Perry's assessment and called attention to the other options Persson has when considering development of the property.The 46-acre lot is the former Coffin Brook Gravel Pit. Should Persson and his other investors choose, they could go back to operating the gravel pit and when no more gravel could come out of the land, it could be developed into 36 house lots."Thirty-six wells, thirty-six septic systems, thirty-six driveways, would a development really be the best thing in there?" questioned Schaeffner.What it really came down to for the board was the issue of noise and environmental impact.Chair Tim Kinnon compared the noise impact on abutters to those living next to an airport. While Kinnon said he would have no sympathy for someone that moves in next to an existing airport, it is a far different thing when an airport is built next to someone's house