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Personal History

Hi! I'm Sierra, I love riding my motorbike, push bike, doing arts and crafts and I want to be a doctor when i'm older. I'm also a successful model and often appear in catalogues and toy packaging.  

I started out on an OSET 16.0 electric trials bike just before I turned 3. The oset taught me great throttle control, Muscle memory, Balance and I love riding over rocks, logs, over gutters, and up big hills standing on the pegs.

When i turned 4 i joined the local motorcycle club that has a natural terrain mx track and moved onto a pw50. I loved racing around with the other kids on the peewee track and we always surprised the other parents when dad told them "She's only 4".

Just before i turned 5 i started riding the main track, So for my 5th birthday i got a KTM50sx Mini. This helped me cut my lap times from 4min to 2 mins within 3 hours of riding and im loving the suspension, power and handling of the new bike.

We recently joined up to a local superX style track and i'm slowly getting confident on the massive jumps and rough surfaces. I have my first club race on the 20th of may and aim to do all of the rounds, Plus race offroad with local enduro clubs. I love extreme bush riding and always try to impress dad by riding over the biggest logs and hardest terrain i can find.

Riding Goals

Maintain my muscle memory and balance, work on speed and jumping, And ride the best i can in races.

Competitive Highlights

- MTCT medal for excellent riding.

- Constant votes for MCTC "Rider of the year".

-First race Div1 NDMX  20/5/17.