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Rider Updates

May 25 2009

Round 1 of the series took place on the 3 Palms G.P. Track. There was about 43 Beginners that showed up to race - the class was too big to put at one gate, so 3P Staff divided us up into 2 divisions.

The two Divisions ran their own Moto 1. The top 16 from each Division's Moto 1 transfered to Moto 2, the remaining went to LCQ. I was in Division 1.

Right out of the gate, the rider to my right slid out of control, and went down, taking me with him. The rider to my left ran over my hand. I was able to get the bike up, start it, and proceed to race.

I finished 17th/20 in Division 1 , Moto 1. Since, I wasn't 16th or better, I was sent to LCQ.

In the LCQ, I needed 5th place or better to transfer to Moto 2. The gate start was smooth, and I was able to fight my way up to 5th place, a safe position. I was in 5th up until the last lap, when I got greedy and tried to take 4th place in a left turn. I took the inside, and the bike slid out in the mud. It took me too long to then start my bike and get going, I finished second to last in the LCQ.

You can view the Race Results here:

May 23 2009

Practice went well today for the race on Sunday. Today, we tightened the chain (it was a little lose), changed the oil, and air filter on the bike.

Maintenance on my bike is always a priority. One missed oil change can lead to a locked engine, which isn't good for anyone.

The race will be on the G.P. Track at 3 Palms ESP ( Today, I was able to dial in the bike, as well as the track, well. Good things are expected of this race!