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Tyrell Gonzalez

Tyrell Gonzalez

Age 28
Location Billings, MT, US
Rider # 723
Site Rank 14727
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Classes , 250class

About Me

I  had a rough childhood  at a very young age.. until I was about 8 years old, my grandfather bought me my first bike, I remember the first time I hit my first berm turn going fast, it was such an adrenaline rush, I didn't hear anything but the engine...

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Rider Updates

Well, the snow is cleared off, riding spots are open. Again, and I bought a new bike, I went out and ripped around last monday ,I love this new cr handles, quick shout out to #Phoenixfamily and #flowvision for sweet discounts, I got some of your guys' gear today and its getting over-nighted , I'm stoked for it all to arrive and get it ready to go by friday, im hopefully going to be accompanied by some friends of mine that are pro photographers to make for some sweet promo shots

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