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Zac Webb

Zac Webb

Age 37
Location Paola, KS, US
Rider # 51
Site Rank 25911
My Link
Classes Arena Cross, FreeStyle, Motocross, Supercross

Rider Updates

My dirt bike and buddys quad were stolen this weekend. If any body see's them plaese give me a ring. They were YZ250f and a YFZ450 both 08 models and both were spical editions. the bike was white with black and red yahama grafics and the quad was white with navy blue grafics. They were stolen in Victor Ville, CA witch is about a 30 min. drive from San Berndino/ Riverside area. If any one has any info on them plese give me a call a (913) 526-0287  Thanks Zac

Race Results

Date Event Class Place
Jul 6 2008 yahama dealer 7th
Jul 6 2008 16th Yamaha Dealers Series Rd#4 --


Date Event

